As you probably know the International Astronautical Congress 2018 took place in Bremen – our town.
In cooperation with REXUS/BEXUS we were lucky to present our project as well as the ones of the other teams.
We had a great time there, about which we will tell you more now.
What did you do at the IAC?
Greta: “Each day a different team presented the stand of the REXUS/BEXUS programme. We were lucky enough to do that on the opening day. We talked to the fare visitors and answered questions about the rocket and the displayed experiments (by UB-FIRE, RaCos and us). Moreover we presented the REXUS/BEXUS programme and handed out flyers about it. For further questions we accompanied the visitor to the stand of ZARM and DLR.
In general the IAC went great – we had many interested visitors and the FORAREX project made an impression.”
How did you like the IAC?
Nils: “The IAC was great. Seeing so many persons with the same passion for space traveling on one place created a unique athmosphere. The exhibition of different parts of space traveling from all over the world took it to another level. It is a pity that we could not spent more time at the IAC due to the work load for our project as a fare as great as IAC would have earned. “
Greta: “I really enjoyed being at IAC. I saw so many different stands from all over the world. Moreover we could listen to interesting panels and presentations and establish new contacts. The international vibe was really warm hearted, too! Also it was nice to meet some friends of the other REXUS/BEXUS teams and the Ueberflieger competition again.”
Which moment at IAC is special to you?
Katrin: “As a visitor of IAC 2018 I could see Alexander Gerst and the assumption of the ISS via live broadcast. He said, that he was not doing that as a German nor as an European but as a human – because the ISS is a project of hundred nations all over the world.”
Nils: “For me it is not a specific moment but an entire experience. Especially sharing the enthusiasm about our own project or being inspired by new ideas was great.”
Is there something you want to add?
Greta: “On behalf of our team I want to thank our supervisors of the REXUS/BEXUS programme, especially ZARM, to get the amazing chance to support them at IAC 2018.
Special appreciation goes to the commitee for organisizing the IAC headed by Prof. Dr. Marc Avila for the great organisation and the elaborated programme. The IAC was a huge success!”